StoreUp is a powerful and responsive Storage, Self Storage, Moving related WordPress Theme ever with pretty much-advanced features for especially Self Storage Business. It has all the features what you need for a Self Storage related theme with advanced functionality.
Theme Features
- Flex Slider
- Static Image
- Custom Slider
- 5 Header Styles including fixed header
- Unlimited Sidebars for any page
- Latest Fontawesome Icons
- Left Sidebar option
- Right Sidebar option
- Full-width page option
- Assign Slider on any page.
- Disable breadcrumb for any page you wish
- Add subheader background color on any page
- 3 Subheader Alignments Left, Right and Center.
- 501+ Google Web Fonts
- Sticky Bar on top
- Custom Subheader Image for pages and posts
- Custom Subheader Teaser text for pages and posts
- Custom Subheader Height for pages.
- Testimonials List Shortcode
- Testimonials Carousel Shortcode
- Widgetized Footer
- Unlimited Color Skinning Options
- Multi-Threaded Comments
- 9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status, Video)
- Built-in Shortcodes Generator.
- Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export for options settings.)
- Blog Page Template
- Shortcodes for VC Add-ons
- Accordion
- Alert Boxes
- Block Quotes
- Blog
- Blog Carousel
- Button
- Call to Action
- Column Layouts
- Contact Info
- Countdown Counter
- Dividers
- Dropcap
- Expandable
- Fancy Ampersand
- Fancybox
- Fancybox Image
- Fancy Heading
- Flickr Photos
- Fontawesome Icons
- Fun Fact
- Google Font
- Google Map
- Highlight
- Iconbox
- Image
- Image Icon Box
- List
- List Icon Item
- Logo Carousel
- Pricing Table
- Progress Circle
- Progress Bar
- Section Fullwidth
- Services Box
- Services
- Staff Box
- Tabs
- Tabsnav
- Testimonials
- Twenty Twenty
- Vacant Table
- Vimeo
- Youtube
Custom Backgrounds
- Body
- Pages
- Header
- Sub-header
- Featured Slider Area
- Footer
Other Features
- Extensive Documentation
- Localization Ready
- WPMU Compatible
- WPML Plugin Compatible
- WordPress 4.6+ Tested
- Text Widget Support Shortcodes.
- 80+ Custom Shortcodes
- This theme skinning options empowers you to change many elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu, typography, etc.
Custom Widgets
- Storeup – Contact Info
- Storeup – Recent Posts
- Storeup – Icon Box
- Storeup – Sociables
- Storeup – Location Info
- Business Hours Pro
- Business Hours Holidays
Custom Post Types
- Locations
- Gallery
- Slider
- Testimonial
Color Customization
- Over 700+ Google fonts offered with theme
- Unlimited combinations of colors editing for many elements
- Background Images – You can also upload background images on per section bases instead of solid background color for subheader, body background etc.
- If you want to change only fewer places select only theme color from options panel and for menu define your own style.
Theme currently has 10 Footer Column Layout Styles where you can place the custom widgets or default widgets
Theme Localization
This theme is Internationalization and localization built into its structure to easily used for different languages. Few texts in the theme there is an option to change texts in the theme options panel.
Updates and Changelog
v6.5 – 2024-04-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Logo not working if the image is chosen from existing media library Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder to the latest version 7.6 v6.4 – 2023-10-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Issue with template Success not showing empty after booking. v6.3 – 2023-08-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Updated: WP Bakery Page builder to 7.0 Version v6.2 – 2023-04-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Updated Storeup Core Plugin to fix the issues with the images not loading after 6.1 Storeup Removed testing code from functions.php file v6.1 – 2023-04-20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed the WordPress 6.2 compatibility issues Fixed blank page issues after updating WordPress to the latest version Fixed demo pages not assigning in the new WordPress installation Updated storeup core plugin to the latest version Updated storeup paypal plugin to the latest version Updated storeup vogepay plugin to the latest version Updated WP Bakery Plugin to the latest version Fixed storeup booking not fetching the default selected unit from the storage locations page Fixed jQuery issue with map.fitbounds Fixed missing trigger for the change in location units Fixed missing ID in the locations functions in backend v6.0 – 2021-09-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: jQuery deprecated functions issue with storeup core plugin Fixed: missing empty alt attributes Fixed: wp_striptags issue replaced with wp_strip_all_tags() Changed: Storeup Options Menu under Appearance Tab Fixed: jQuery deprecated events issue with latest WP Version Updated: WP Bakery Page Builder plugin to the latest version Updated: Storeup Core plugin to the latest version Updated: woocommerce related template to the latest version Fixed: default widgets import option not working while import v5.5 – 2021-01-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed Fixed jQuery deprecated functions issue since WP5.3 Fixed Owl Carousel deprecated issue Fixed Custom Google Map Mulitple Maps display issue Fixed PHP7.4 Compatibility Issues with Storage units issue Fixed Store units LxB and Height conflict issue Fixed several responsive minor bugs ### Added Added Custom Widgets to the Storeup Core Plugin Added Swiper carousel replaced in place of Owl Carousel Added wp_body_open WP Core function ### Removed Removed the unwanted files of Owl Carousel Removed Business Hours Pro plugin Removed the booking meta disabled option for editing fields in booking details ### Changed Updated Storeup Core plugin to latest version Updated WP Bakery Page Builder plugin to 6.5 Updated Sample Demo Data for fresh installations ** Child Theme Files also Modified except version number in style.css v5.0 – 2020-01-31 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - missing vendor prefixes - left sidebar float issue - Header style 1, 2, and 3 box shadow modified - fixed few responsive issues - single page background boxed mode not displaying ### Added - content area background color option - Footer background color option - Copyright Link hover Color option ### Removed - deprecated sociable icons feature from theme options - deprecated sociable icons color feature from theme options ### Changed - WPBakery Page Builder to v6.1 - Storeup Core plugin to v3.0 v4.4.0 – 2019-01-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Issue with the logo loading from theme options - Responsive issues with mobile devices - Issue with the page editor for GutenBerg ### Changed Compatibility with the WP 5.0+ ### Changed - WP Bakery Page Builder to the latest version - Storeup core plugin to v2.9 - Initial demo install file with the placeholder images v4.3.0 – 2018-07-29 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Updated storeup core plugin to v2.8 ### Added - New UI for the Units Sizes details entry - 5 New Homepage designs added - 3 Additional pages demos added ### Fixed - Fixed issue with sorting of units in single location pages - Fixed issue with the google map zoom when multiple marker - Fixed issue with Unit Sizes on Booking page - Fixed issue with Payment Mode on Cart page v4.2.0 – 2018-06-28 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Missing css properties for bypostauthor css rule - Additional allowed tags for the code sanitization ### Removed - add_meta_box Non-design related meta boxes - meta-generator.php file for the Non-design related meta boxes - Moved custom-meta folder and its content to storeup-core plugin - Moved custom meta from theme to storeup-core plugin - Moved storeup-file-advance.js from theme to storeup-core plugin - Title tag from email-template - Unwanted woocommerce template files. ### Fixed - Theme checked with New Envato Theme Check requirment - Issue with the menu styling not working since last version - Non object error in theme options - Description updated in the theme options - Site breaking issues (Can't use function return value in write context) - Missing alt attribute for the images - Issue with the Envato Theme Check plugin - Argument missing for undefined for owl slider in storeup-custom.js - Sorting units sizes for new units. ### Changed - Updated the pot template with the new strings - Moved wp-mail to plugin - Sanitize code for global variable $_SERVER - Removed unwated strings from translation - Updated Storeup Core plugin to v2.7 - Updated Visual Composer plugin to v5.5.2 - Replaced missing sample data images with placeholder images ### Modified Child Theme Code - The parent stylesheet using wp_enqueue_style() instead of @import. - Updated functions.php - Updated style.css file - Updated storeup-niche/index.php v4.1.0 – 2018-05-24 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added Function to fetch Success template id for booking Function to fetch Cancel template id for booking Custom Unit sizes option in template-booking.php,location-functions.php Styling for <h4> in unitfeatures in storeup-style.css Option to set the range of the size (length and width) ### Fixed Issue with child theme activation Issue with child theme not working in 4.1 version Issue with redirection to the location page after booking submission jQuery sanitization and code indentation ## Removed WAS strike in location-function.php Old option to change the names of units v4.1 – 2018-05-14 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed Mail sending not working with recent Release Default placeholder text in theme options for emails jQuery code indentation and sanitization v4.0 – 2018-05-11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Missing Textdomains - Styling for error pricing in storeup-style.css - jQuery missing form validation - Options description corrected - Header style 4 background color and image with div wrapping issue - Blog Page Slider selection issue - Blog postpage page id fetching - Missing 'storeup' prefix to static-slider - disabled captcha selection by user - Fixed issue with btn_link in sample data xml - Issued with first unit in first tab in Location Page - woocommerce select field conflict with select wrapper - missing arguments for the email ### Added - Option to Add currency symbol in theme options - Option for allowed booking period on booking form and theme-options - Code for Payment Mode - More shortcodes for the email template - VoguePay Payment Gateway - Cash on Site Payment Mode - Option to disable/enable the Cash of Site Payment Mode - Option to disable/enable the PayPal Payment Mode - Option to disable/enable the VoguePay Payment Mode - New UI for the Units and pricing editing - Email system added to HTML Formats now. ### Changed - Sanitized code for storeup-front-script.js and removed unnecessary parameter - Code Indentation for several php files - Opacity for the unit area measurement in bookings template - Moved CSS of template-cart from paypal and voguepay plugin to theme - Moved email templates from paypal to storeup theme - implementation of mail in cash transactions - Sanitized code for booking template - Issue for creating multiple orders - CSS for different booking status in post columns - Code indentation and undefined variables - Removed unwanted PayPal parameters - Changed Template Names - Storeup-Paypal plugin to v3.0 - Storeup-Core plugin to v2.5 - Storeup-VoguePay plugin to v1.0 - WPBakery Page Builder plugin to v5.4.7 ### Removed - Sanitized code and added parameters for cash transaction - Ajax parameter from functions.php - City code from booking-meta.php and template-booking.php - The payer email in booking meta and template-success.php - Thank you page selection from theme options - sendmail() unwanted and duplicate mail functions - Storeup Payment type of theme options - unwanted storeup-functions-code file - unwanted mapping.css file from storeup-niche ### Child Theme Modification - style.css version number - functions.php - storeup-niche/index.php v3.5 – 2018-04-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ###Added - Bookings Page Selection from theme options page - Links to locations page maps title - Header Style 3 Menu Fixed Header Option ###Changed - Business Hours Pro to v5.5.0 - WPBakery Page Builder to v5.4.7 - Storeup Core plugin to v2.3 - Woocommerce templates v3.4 – 2018-02-20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Google map issues with location meta - Google map meta fields not editable - Enqueue google map script when API is added ### Child Theme Modification - storeup-niche/index.php - style.css version number modified v3.3 – 2018-01-11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Bookings Post Type. - Xlarge option for the Storage Unit. ### Changed - WPBakery Page Builder Plugin to v5.4.5 - Storeup Core to v2.2 - Storeup Paypal Plugin to v2.0 - Business Hours Pro to v5.2 - Units pricing name option in theme options. - woocommerce files to the latest version. - Post Meta for location and price. ### Fixed - Issues with child theme bookings not showing. - Packages Issues with units display. - Missing textdomain for string translations. - Code Indentation for the storeup functions. v3.2 – 2017-09-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Option to change the values for the units small, medium and large. - Storeup Unit Text Customization in options panel. - New Style for the bookings section in the bookings page. ### Changed - WPBakery Page Builder Plugin to v 5.2.1 - Storeup Core to v2.0 - Issue with gmap not displaying. - storeup booking price issue. - Issue with fetching the selected units in booking. - Issue with google map display with multiple enqueue script. v3.1 – 2017-07-11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Business Hours Pro Plugin to v4.3.1 - WPBakery Page Builder Plugin to v5.2 - Storeup Core to v1.6.0 ### Fixed - Button Link attribute in callout shortcode. - Issue with the tabs shortcode flickering. - Responsive Issue with header style 5. - Issue with callout shortcode in iPad portrait mode. - Responsive issue with header style 2 widgets. - Responsive issue with Header style 4 displaying after widgets. - Issue with empty white space in bottom when static slider is active. - Issue with select button in WebKit browsers in Mobiles. - Issue with woocommerce shop page layout in iPad Portrait. v3.0 – 2017-06-19 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Multi text field for the theme options to change units. - Option to change the 'Storage Units Names'. - Paypal Payment Gateway. - Size dimension names. - Woocommerce support. - UI modified for the datepicker. ### Fixed - Undefined object issue with frontpage ID. - conflict with jQuery timepicker UI addon in Business Hours Pro. v2.7 – 2017-05-31 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Admin email notification subject field. ### Changed - Business Hours Plugin to v4.3.0 ### Fixed - wp-mail functions notification issue. - Customer Email Header Name field. - Issues with the price and units parameters missing in the mail. v2.6 – 2017-05-18 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Modified the width of the vertical left menu style inner content. - WPBakery Page Builder Plugin to v5.1.1 ### Fixed - Illegal string offset in skin.php error. v2.5 – 2017-03-18 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Vertical Left Header Style. - Vertical Menu Footer Widget. - Lightbox option for gallery images. - Page background option more properties. ### Changed - screneshot.png. - Gallery Post Type. - WPBakery Page Builder Plugin to v5.1 - storeup-core plugin to v1.4.0 ### Fixed - Flex caption alignment. - header style 4 responsive issues. - header style 5 responsive issues. v2.4 – 2017-02-2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Slider caption alignment option. ### Changed - storeup core plugin. - Business Hours Pro Plugin to v4.1.0 ### Fixed - padding issue with the dropdown menu for header style 1. - form redirection after booking submission. - form reset after the bookings done. v2.3 – 2017-01-11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Sanitization for the subheader output. ### Fixed - Subheader background image and color issue. - Subheader background image and color issue for header style 4. - Subheader background image and color issue for header style 5. v2.2 – 2017-01-06 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Removed - Unwanted opacity images. - post type icons and replaced with dashicons. ### Fixed - Version update to v1.1.0 - Wrong names in comments for the VC addons. v2.1 – 2017-01-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Storeup Core Plugin. - Fix for the VC Addon load issue. ### Fixed - Plugin loads directory with trailing slash. - Wrong comment notes on each file. v2.0 – 2017-01-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - One Click Demo Installer Plugin. - New theme Demo content .xml. - New Widgets demo content .wie. - storeup-core plugin. ### Changed - Styling color issues for the menu. - Styling color theme color grouping. - Enqueue inline styling custom css. - POT file for the translation. - Screenshots. ### Removed - storeup-posttype plugin. - storeup-vcaddons plugin. - storeup-shortcodes plugin. ### Fixed - Issue with the Google Map API key. :warning: *Existing buyers kindly please deactivate and delete the following plugins before making an update. After that activate the storeup-core plugin.* - storeup-posttypes. - storeup-shortcodes. - storeup-vcaddons. v1.0 – Initial Release. ---------------------------------------------------------------- </h4>
- Note: Images used in the live preview is only for live demo and are purchased from Shutterstock and some from pixabay. You are not permitted to use any images from live demo as its only for live demo.*
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