MYKD – eSports and Gaming Vue Nuxt 3 Template
MYKD – eSports and Gaming NFT Template. It is especially following category like gaming website, magazine, present your team, gaming tournament, NFT gaming & much more. The template features stunning NFT and gamer templates, as well as options and functionalities ideal for video game sites. If computer games matter to you, MYKD is the perfect pick for your captivating new gaming website Vue 3, Nuxt 3, Typescript ,Veevalidate, Bootstrap 5(latest Version), and Sass
Features Overview
vue js 3
The Progressive JavaScript Framework
Nuxt 3
The Intuitive Web Framework for vue js
TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.
VeeValidate is the most popular Vue.js form library. It takes care of value tracking, validation, errors, submissions and more.
- Dynamic Route
Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
2+ Home Page
MYKD has nice and clean 2 home pages.
Touch Friendly:
Easy browsing on touch devices.
100% Fully Responsive:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Harry template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
Sass :
MYKD template coded with sass
Full Features List
- Vue JS (Composition api)
- Nuxt 3
- Typescript
- Based on Bootstrap 5.x
- VueJS without jQuery
- Free Premium Quality Support
- Logo Slider Integration
- Sticky Header
- Google Fonts
- 100% Responsive
- Nice and Clean Design
- Clean code
- Customizable all components of each page
- Integrated with FontAwesome
- 2+ Home Pages
- 11+ Inner Pages
- Blog Pages
- Image background
- Easy to customize
- Flexible and multi-purpose
- Valid / CSS3
- 24/7 Awesome support
- Detailed documentation
What you get?
- Vue Nuxt files
- Documentation
Fonts Used
- Google Fonts : Poppins, Barlow, berlin
Icons Used
- Font Awesome (Icons)
- Image Icons
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