Manggis – creative portfolio and blog theme is a new modernistic portfolio-style, minimalistic and elegance WordPress template with beautiful responsive two, three, four, five, six columns and full width Masonry layout or Packery grid, which show your latest photo and video, blog with amazing Timeline for blogging theme and contact pages in clean modern creative and elegant design for freelancer, agency, photographer, videographer (Youtube or Vimeo), camera operator or studio, perfect for creative professionals, suitable for any type of business.
WordPress and Theme installation service
New Portfolio and Blog template – demo
Custom widgets with social services icons, Google maps, also Instagram plugin ready, Contacts Form 7 and latest portfolio works with projects. No shortcodes but tons of Portfolio Options. WooCommerce compartibility. Easy to setup and customze multi-purpose theme. Fast response theme support.
Manggis Portfolio and Customization
Manggis creative portfolio is theme that will showcase your Portfolio, Agency, Photography or Blogging and much more. You can have so many portfolios as you wish with it’s own categories and custom setting, easy customize any page you want with images, titles, colors, fonts. Change your logo and links color (main color), favicon and grid style. Three column style – 3, 4 and full width with infinite loading, filtering and lot of useful features. Many tools are available to create your project presentations. Easiest and fastest way to build your beautiful website is import free demo content like I have in theme folder.
Google Fonts
Manggis WordPress theme supports all Google Fonts, you can use with any element you want – header text, menu, logo, links, body font.
I provide technical support through an email. Feel free to contact me and share your ideas about theme.
Theme Key Features:
- Fully responsive multipurpose layout
- Fast, lightweight & powerful, mobile and Tablet friendly
- Masonry portfolio for devices with iOS, android, any mobile and tablet
- Easy to customize with Options Tree plugin
- Portfolio 2, 3, 4 columns and full width
- Video Portfolio with lightbox with Youtube or Vimeo videos
- Contact form 7 plugin ready
- Infinite AJAX driven portfolio scroll
- Unlimited portfolios
- WooCommerce Shop
- Font Awesome retina icons
- CSS3 content animations
- Lot of Google fonts
- Highly Customizable with tons of Portfolio Options
- All widget areas in Footer are Customizable
- Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of website
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
- Good PDF documentation
- All text strings are translation ready
- WordPress 6Ready
- PHP 8.3 support
- Great Demo content
- Lifetime Free theme updates
- All texts Localization and translation ready
Fast & Easy Contact Forms – Manggis is compatible with the popular Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin. Build contact forms easily.
Hundreds of Free Google Fonts – Customize the look of your website with Manggis by choosing the best typefaces for your needs from more than 600 Google Fonts in Theme Options.
Child Theme – Customize your theme by installing the child theme over.
Social Icons – Manggis helps you connect with your social audience via social sharing icons in each Portfolio item or Blog post and your social profiles in Header easily showed with Theme Options.
Rate 5 stars if you like my theme
- Beautiful B&W photos by Rohan Reilly
- Landscape photos by Brooke Holm
- Architect photos by José Roberto Bassul
- Forms of Formalism by Michael Romstöck
- Oslo Speaker by Vifa
- Lunch Box by Keita Suzuki
- Mandarin natural Chocolate by Yuta Takahashi
- Ribrand by Mashoni and the Ribnica Handicraft Centre
Version History
VERSION 1.0: release
- bug fixes and code improvements
- new options for Portfolio lightbox
- WooCommerce shop support, new theme options
- new fullscreen autoplay carousel slider
- new portfolio 1 column
- woocomerce shop prices color option
- video popup captions
- option for how many main menu items to show
- latest woocommerce version support
- new lightbox and gallery
- Google Map API key
- new Portfolio + Blog template
- Google Map custom latitude and longitude
- woocommerce 3.1 support
- gutenberg support
- wordpress 5 support
- woocommerce update
- new version of options tree plugin
- woocommerce support
- shop submenu bug fixed
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