Compact is a clean PSD theme suitable for Corporate, Business, You can customize it very easy to fit your needs.
1/ Features:
- 30 Layered PSD’s
- 03 Homepage layouts
- 05 Color schemes
- Google Free Fonts
- Active and Hover stats are included
- Easily customizable Photoshop files
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names
- Clean and Modern Style
- Pixel Perfect
- 1170px Grid System
2/ Inside this package:
- 01_HomePage_v1.psd
- 02_HomePage_v2.psd
- 03_HomePage_v3.psd
- 04_About.psd
- 05_Services.psd
- 06_Contact.psd
- 07_Menu_Dropdown.psd
- 08_Menu_MegaMenu.psd
- 09_Menu_CanvasSidebar.psd
- 10_Portfolio_Grid_v1.psd
- 11_Portfolio_Grid_v2.psd
- 12_Portfolio_Details.psd
- 13_Shop_MyCart.psd
- 14_Shop_Products.psd
- 15_Shop_ProductDetails.psd
- 16_Shop_ShoppingCart.psd
- 17_Shop_Checkout.psd
- 18_Blog_Grid.psd
- 19_Blog_List.psd
- 20_Blog_Details.psd
- 21_404.psd
- 22_CommingSoon.psd
- 23_ModalSearch.psd
- 24_PricingTables.psd
- 25_Elements.psd
- 26_Typography.psd
- 27_Color_Green.psd
- 28_Color_Yellow.psd
- 29_Color_Orange.psd
- 30_Color_Red.psd
3/ Fonts
In this template, we use font from Google Font:
4/ Icons
5/ Images
All images we used in this template come from sources. They are very good sources for free images
– All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for demo purpose
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