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Book Your Travel – Online Booking Template
$10.00Book Your Travel is a PSD Template ideal for booking portals, travel agencies, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, villas, etc. or travel blogs, but it would suit for any business with slight customizations. Features Home page with special search box for searching hotels, flights, cruises, self-caterings and car rentals. Inner page for displaying search […]
Nanovi – Resort and Hotel Template
$12.00Nanovi is a PSD Template ideal for booking portals, travel agencies, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, villas, etc. or travel blogs, but it would suit for any business with slight customizations. This template has following layered PSD files: home1.psd home2.psd home3.psd reservation.psd room style 1.psd room style 2.psd room style 3.psd room detail.psd 404.psd […]